Regulatory Information
Quebec Law | Solicitors
Quebec Law | Solicitors is the trading name of Quebec Law Solicitors Limitd a company incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 11716158 whose registered office is at 291 Roundhay Road, Leeds, England, LS8 4HS.
A list of our directors is open to inspection at the registered office. Any reference to “partner” means any shareholder or director of Quebec Law Solicitors Limitd or any employee or consultant with equivalent standing based on their experience and or qualifications.
Quebec Law Solicitors Limitd is a firm of solicitors operating in England and Wales. Quebec Law Solicitors Limitd is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), with SRA number 655551. The rules applying to Clarion Solicitors Limited are the SRA Standards and Regulations available at
Quebec Law Solicitors Limitd does not accept service by electronic means.